
Application Server Administration

tmadmin Command Line Interface - there are several command available via tmadmin interface. A few to list are-

1) printserver(psr) - prints information for application and administrative servers.

Different available options with this command are-

>psr -q [qaddress] 
>psr -m [machine]
>psr -g [groupname]
>psr -i [srvid]

2) printservice (psc) - prints information about the services.

Available options are -
>psc -m [machine]
>psc -g [groupname]
>psc -i [svrid]
>psc -q [qaddress]

3) serverparms (srp): prints parameters associated with servers specified with groupname and svrid.

>srp -g [groupname] -i [svrid]

4) bbparms (bbp) - prints summary of bulletin board parameters.
5) bbstats (bbs) - prints summary of BB statistics.
6) printclient (pclt) - prints information about client processes.
7) printgroup (pg) -m [machine name] /-g [groupname] - prints server group table for specified machine or default machine.
6) printqueue (pq) - prints information about the specified queue or all queues.
> pq -q [qaddress]
7) serviceparms (scp) - parameters associated with a service specified by groupname, svrid and service. e.g.
>scp -g APPSRV -i 100 -sICScript

8) shutdown - When a application server domain is shut down by psadmin, the tmshutdown command is issued. It has same parameters as shutdown command with tmadmin. >shutdown [-g groupname | -i svrid]

9) boot (b) - >b [-g groupname | -i svrid | -m minsrvs ]
e.g. boot -g PUBSUB,
       boot -g JSLGRP,
       boot -g JREPGRP etc.

10) boot -y  boots the domain normally, if there is an error encountered, it continues to boot unlike boot via psadmin which will shut the domain down. -w switch (boot -y -w) is for fast boot where servers are booted in parallel.
11) !set - command displays a list of environment variables and their current value.
12) stop -y  normal shutdown, cleans up IPC.
13) stop -y -c normal shutdown even if clients are attached.
14) stop -y -c -w0 stops domain even if clients are attached and waits for 0 (zero) seconds.
15) stop [-g groupname] - e.g. stop -g PUBSUB 
16) stop [-i  svrid] - Use this command to stop a server which is stuck trying to execute a request (e.g. ICPanel). If a request is consuming lot of memory as compared to other server processes then stop using this variant.

psadmin Command Reference -

To invoke psadmin from command line, locate PS_HOME/appserv>

psadmin -h displays help on psadmin commands.
psadmin -env displays information on current environment settings.
psadmin -c <command> -d <domain> e.g. >psadmin -c parallelboot -d hr91pd01

(psadmin -p <command> -d <domain> in case of Process Scheduler Server)

Some other psadmin commands are-
configure etc.

Purging Application Server Cache-Option available through psadmin under application server administration menu will purge application server cache even if application server is up and running.

Clean/Remove IPC Resources - IPC resources are OS resources e.g. message queues, shared memory, semaphores. If application server domain fails to shut down properly, stray IPC resources may remain on the system and when this happens, it is not possible to reboot the application server. There are two options to remove IPC resources. First there is an option available on psadmin menu and second the command to remove IPC resources -tmipcrm. The option -n lists all IPC resources and -y cleans IPC resources. The command reads PSTUXCFG and uses the complete path of this file as an parameter.

Application Server Performance Tuning

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